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Business Portraits
Business is changing. More than ever, people go online to get information. Face-to-face meetings are less common, yet the human connection is what continues to drive sales and successful business relationships. Your professional portrait represents who you are online.
How to look good in your corporate business portraitAlways have a smiling or friendly expression. Direct your face towards the camera. That conveys openness and confidence. Dress up for your photo. Layers (sweaters, blazers, suit jacket) are visually appealing. Avoid bright colours, bold patterns and bulky clothing. These elements will take attention away from your face. Do wear your glasses if you wear them all the time. You want to look authentic in your business picture. A good business portrait should show your best “real you”. People should feel that they are getting to know you just by seeing your photo. And this will add a good level of familiarity and trust. A talented photographer should be able to put anyone at ease and help get the best and most flattering portrait. Your final photo should be lightly touched up, but not to the point where the retouching is noticeable. The best headshots are honest and beautiful portraits.
Headshot photo tips for womenWomen should avoid big jewelry or anything that will distract from the professional look and attire. Try to wear classic cut blouse or shirt. Layering always adds a nice dimension to the photo but is not necessary. Shirt or blouse should not be too low cut. Some photos need a close crop and it’s distracting to only see skin and no shirt below, as you might imagine! There are more women executives and women in exciting new entrepreneurial roles. This is unchartered territory. There is no denying that a women’s business portrait must be different from . They are judged differently and must choose a professional image that balances between femininity and authority. I work hard with my women entrepreneurs and executives to navigate this interesting terrain and hit the right note with their portrait. I strive to create the perfect balance and this sometimes means a more serious expression, an interesting angle and the right lighting.
Business portrait tips for menMen should wear layers or a jacket, only wear a tie if that suits the work that you do, or the work you aspire to do. Show the expression that suits you the best. If you’re a serious person, don’t give a big smile – it will look un-natural. But if you’re by nature a smiling person then that’s the best expression for your portrait. Wear a jacket and tie if that’s suits the work you do and reflects you best. But don’t be afraid to have an open shirt with a blazer. The business culture is changing so wear what you feel makes you look the best and suits the culture of the business you are in. Make sure your clothes are ironed and fit well. An ill-fitted jacket just looks sloppy and that’s not going to make a good portrait.
How to save money and time when getting your corporate business portraitThe most cost efficient and time effective way to get all your employees photographed is to have the photographer come to your offices. I offer on-site photography and recommend scheduling 15 minutes for each person. In that 15 minutes we will have time to take about 20 photos (more if needed). I will review the photos with each person. I can offer professional insight and help them make the best choice. If other people need to be involved in the final selection, I will help narrow the choice down to the 3 or 4 best photos. These will be delivered by digital contact sheet so that the final selection can be made. Each selected image will be retouched and delivered in the format required. I offer lower resolution files for LinkedIn profile photos and other social media and website profile photos. I will also deliver the high resolution image for your files. All the final retouched images will be delivered within a week of the photo session.
Find the right photographer in montreal for your corporate headshotsA photographer who specializes in portraits will be the best person to hire for your company headshots. Some people are shy or don’t like to smile. Some people need more guidance than others. Some may love or hate to have their picture taken. But in all cases, everyone needs a professional portrait to be successful in business these days. The right photographer will get the best photo for everyone. A good corporate portrait photographer should be efficient, friendly and easy to work with. They should be flexible with their availability and schedule. Make sure that the photographer you find in Montreal will be able to come work on location. That will save your employees a lot of time and ensure a consistent look for the photos.
5 questions to ask a potential headshot photographerHow long will the session take? who chooses the final image? is retouching, resizing and cropping included? How soon will the final photo be ready?
Cost of a business headshot in montrealA business portrait with Kate Fellerath, The Montreal Photographer costs $225. I work all over the island of Montreal and in Laval and the South Shore. I bring my own lighting and background. I do like to discuss the style of photos needed before finalizing the set-up. I also offer environmental portraits. This might be better for certain companies branding and image. I can help you make the decision of what background and look will be best for your company. I offer guidance during the photo session to help everyone get the best portrait possible. I want each person to love their online image and feel that it shows their true personality and puts them in the best light possible.
How often should a business portrait be updated?I recommend updating your profile picture every 2-3 years. You want the image to stay current and represent you as you really are. If you have made a dramatic change in your appearance, then treat yourself to a new updated photo. This could be new hair colour, a physical change or just a way to usher in a new year of success. If you are currently looking for new employment in Montreal, do come by the studio for an updated photo. It will give your LinkedIn profile a fresh new look and a bump in views. It will also help you put your best foot forward in your job applications and job interviews. Potential employers will see that you are a professional person who takes themselves and their work seriously.
Additional links and tips to help you get the best business headshotThe 7 Factors That Increase The Psychological Impact of Your LinkedIn Profile Photo Why Headshots Are Important? Choosing the Right Wardrobe for Your Headshot
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